Cadet College Lahore

Cadet College Lahore 

According to the Wikipedia article of "Cadet College Lahore", we have come to know this, "Cadet College Lahore is a residential High School and College located on Main Multan Road Lahore opposite Bahria Town, Punjab, Pakistan.

It is ideally located at about 15 minutes drive from Motorway with easy access from and to all communication centres, Lahore Airport, Railway Station and the Bus Terminals."

One of the prime institute in Pakistan among the cadet colleges and is well-ranking cadet college too.

It is of the level of all the other top cadet colleges in Pakistan.  The wiki page further says, "The college trains students to become leaders as officers in the Pakistan Armed Forces, the Competitive Services and other national and multinational organizations.

Also Read: 5 Movies That Every Cadet Should Watch

Commission in the Armed Forces calls fora high standards of practical education, leadership, and discipline. Cadets are given proper education to enable them to join the Armed Forces as potential Commissioned officers."

The aim clearly is to nourish young cadets to join the army and armed forces of Pakistan in future.

We soon shall be publishing an article that would define why this myth is wrong that joining a cadet college guarantees a place in armed forces, the myth is mostly believed by the parents of cadets and the people who haven't sent their child's to cadet or military colleges ever. 

This article was written to introduce different cadet colleges in Pakistan, we have already covered Top 10 Pakistani Cadet Colleges and Top American Military Colleges and we have also covered different articles that can be read on our home page.

Our next article would introduce the other colleges soon. The information and introduction provided here on Cadet Chronicles are always limited because all the articles so far are unpaid and not sponsored.

To get lengthy and in detail articles published and to sponsor your institute, kindly contact administration on our Facebook page  Cadet Chronicles


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